Monday, March 29, 2010

Six Flags

Over spring break we had the brilliant terrible plan to go to Six Flags. I looooooooove roller coasters and had not been in a few years so I was excited to go back. To make it short and not whine to much, we rode 2 rides the entire day. TWO!!!! There were so many people there that if I had not known where I was at I would have thought someone had thrown me into the middle of a busy street in China! Colton loved it though and on the way back he said,"I am going to tell my whole class about spring break." =) So that made it all worth it, for me at least. I think I have already discussed my obsession with owls on it is only fitting that I post the picture Ash took for me while trying to fight our way out of the mobs...

Ashley was real excited about the "pink things"

The ONE REAL roller coaster we got to ride.

My birthday which equals Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum!!! Next Thursday YAY
Personal 5k-ha
Twin shirt pics with Ash =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I looooooooooooove going to Thunder games...ok, so I have only been twice but both times I absolutely loved it. I love cheering, I love that I understand what is going on, and I love the whole atmosphere. We cashed in our free tickets from the voucher that we got when we went to the Extreme Makeover Reveal. (which by the way was on Sunday night...congrats Christa, you made it to tv!!!) We were three rows from the VERY TOP and I almost had a panic attack which was weird because I have never been bothered by heights before then. Anyways, the game was lots of fun and Thunder won. I am so excited that they are doing so well!!!!

So fun!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


**March 9**

Family is so very important to me, and for a not so great reason (our great aunt passed away) we were able to spend some time together last week. There was a time when we -the cousins- were having a hard time getting along but after much prayer and growing up we are closer than ever. Some of my best memories come from spending time with all of them when we were little playing hide and seek in the dark, volleyball over the power lines, and taking walks by the creek. We all went to Swadley's and ate and had lots of fun, and I got a new camera so I actually got a few decent pictures!
I am really looking forward to all of the EXPERIENCES we get to have together this year!

Older cousins + Mark and Ryan - Megan, Tommy and Rachelle, and Tara and Josh and little Mason (who we miss very much...please be praying for Tommy...he is deployed in Afghanistan)

Ash, Bri, and I go to Zumba and have hand-stand contests in the back of the room. ha! Love love love these girls.

**and of course this would not be complete without a picture of my food. I had a delicious chopped brisket sandwich and fried okra**